Pattaya Partying and Reviews – Trip 3

Ok, third TR. Gonna do it a bit different this time. I’ll try to stick to mainly info instead of rambling on about my day by day activities (which I’ve forgotten).

This time around I stayed from 19 Feb – 9 March…I think

Flew into BKK from Dubai. Made sure I got hammered at some Irish pub in the airport. Ordered a JacknCoke as soon as we were in the air. Next thing I know I’m waking up in BKK, it was beautiful.

Once again skipped BKK and head straight to Pattaya via a Mr. Toom driver.

Hotels I stayed at:

Sunshine ( Soi 8 ): I like the Sunshine’s bigger rooms. The rooms on the right tower are tiny and pretty shitty for the price. They have a decent breakfast, decent menu, and their staff has always treated me very good. The biggest plus for me is the location. Right in the middle of Soi 8.

(Soi 7): I stayed here for a few nights because I brought my laptop this time and needed the internet. My room was nice and spacious. The room was cheaper than the Sunshine and also had free broadband.

Jolly Roger Bar (Soi Yamato): I’d remembered one of the girls here telling me the room rates here last trip and strolled over to check it out. Not bad, nice sized rooms with a big bed and couch. Cable TV, refrigerator, and room service for 450TBHT. I rented me one with a view over looking Soi 13/1 and directly over Stringfellows (Yay!) Seriously though, I thought it was pretty great for the price and location. The only bother was the girls in the bar giving me shit about other girls I brought back. No pompem for me though. Pics of the room below:

View from balcony

Bar Crawls:

The Darkside (Feb 20): GREAT CRAWL…I hight recommend checking out the Darkside on your next visit. Some very nice and laid back places. The plan was to only take 12 and I just made it into town the night before, so hadn’t prepaid for the bahtbus yet. Figured I’d head down to Mike’s anyways to see and sure enough there was room.

First stop was a place called La Guinguette. Very cool little place next to the pool. Had some drink and grub, then on the the Butterfly Bar where I took a quick ST. The place was very dark inside though sad.gif After that we headed over to the Black Pearl 2.

The Black Pearl 2 has a hot tub and a pool, which ended up with about 7 naked girls in it. I want to say that the owner mentioned some cheap room rates, but I don’t remember. Next to Dao Bar with famous (or infamous) SkyGod in tow. I really liked this place, but then again I was fucking wasted by that time. All the girls were really fun and the place was just nice inside.

Finally we went to Noi’s Bar where I said my goodbyes and took a motorbike back to Soi 8 (and burned my leg). I didn’t leave my bed for the entire next day except to throw up. Goddamned double wodka-lipos did me in. The lipo had me feeling like I was coming down from a week long coke binge…fucking horrible. Here’s a link to the crawl for more pics (NSFW)

Pool antics

Dao Bar…This pic looks like about how I was feeling at the time

FLB Promo Night (Feb 28): This was all gogos with some of them giving members 2 drinks for the price of 1. Xzone should be checked out for it’s 10ft high “banana tricks”. I brought a friend along this time. One who likes to throw pingpong balls and stupid shit like that. I heard a few complain about it, but as far as I’m concerned it’s his money and you should focus on having fun, not about what some other dude does on his vacation. I personally can’t stand it, but hey…I don’t mind watching people enjoy themselves. It livens up the place sometimes. Here’s a link that shows all of the gogos attended


(Soi 7) – Better steak than El Toro…not sure how that’s possible. Still, I wouldn’t really recommend this place. It’s probably what you’d expect from a Mexican place in Thailand.

Hopf Brew House (corner of Beach rd and Yamato) – Just stopped in a bit and grabbed a pizza. It was good…the place was nice inside, like the inside of a brew house I guess. Didn’t try any of the beers as I felt pretty shitty.

Tankay Seafood Restaurant (Walking st) – A nice little dining area on the water. I ended up eating there twice on the trip. Both times ended up with a massive spread for a little baht.
Pics of the spread:

(Soi L.K. Metro) – Only bbq place I’ve eaten at in Pattaya, but it was great. The amount of food is ridiculous. Everybody ended up with a doggy bag. Good shit.

Yamato (Soi 13/1) – Nice and quiet. Not bad, but not great. It’s hard to beat the real deal in Japan.

Slices Pizza (Pattaya) – There were a few of these around Pattaya. It was actually a lot better than I expected. I had to talk to falang on special falang cell to give the directions to the Jolly Roger bar. It sounded like some dude from Brooklyn…it surprised me a bit.

Big Burger ( Soi 8 ) – I always make sure to stop in a Big Mama’s Big Burgers. You’ve gotta love the hours…3pm – 6am.

Street food (everywhere) – Seriously…I love this shit. I’m pretty sure 90% of you eat it every trip. If you haven’t though…why?
A few food pics:


FLB (Walking st) – Nice laid back place on your average day. Gets a bit out of hand during parties. This trip I only stopped in before the bar crawls. Nice bar though.e

Cherry Bar ( Soi 8 )  – Good little bar with some friendly girls and a sexy chap running the place. Great place to meet other board members. The gentlemen running the bar sets up the bar crawls. Can’t thank him enough. Plus, he didn’t mind me coming back even though I’d stop in after having a bit too many from time to time.

Lucifer’s (Walking st) – My favorite club in Pattaya. I just like the place…there’s always tons of freelancers. Drinks are overpriced as in all the clubs in town.

Mixx (end of Walking st) – Good place for guys who want to pick up euro chicks. I’d been there before, but only went back because a friend who loves Russians was in town. The place looks nice and is pretty cool inside, but I just don’t go to Pattaya for that scene. Also, my first time there I had received a 20% VIP card. It was still good, so that was nice, but the VIP requirements had increased 300%

Chalaos ( Soi 8 ) – Not sure of the spelling here, but I stopped in here a lot to play pool, guest dj, and visit with the staff. Definitely one of my favorite beer bars in Pattaya.
A few of the staff:

Wow…I <3 BKK too…what a coincidence

Honey Pot (Soi 2) – Love this place…good band, good mamasan, good staff, and good management.

Kitten Club (Soi 13/4) – This place is pretty wild. I usually just go once to say hi and get a few drinks. Had 2 friends in town this trip and ended up getting the pool w/swings n slide, about 7 girls, and about 4 bottles of various kinds of alcohol. Fucking ridiculous! Don’t go though unless you’re willing to spend money…

Classroom 2 (Soi 2) – Ran by the same management as the Honey Pot (they also own Classroom Beerbar). I always get treated great here.

Classroom 1 (Soi 13/4) – Nice place…I only stop in to say hi to the manager and the hostess. Good people who love to hook up the shots.

Jolly Roger (Soi 13/1) – Good little bar with friendly girls and patrons.

New Bars (near end of Walking st) – Looks like a brand new area…geared toward a clean cut scene? I only went to 1 place, had an Irish theme. Their menu was horrendous. I have a list somewhere of their prices, but I remember a corona being over 200 baht.
Pics of the Irish bar

Thai Only? (2nd road) – I’m sure it wasn’t Thai only, but I was the only falang there. It was pretty cool I guess…I had fun and everybody seemed to try to make me comfortable. The girl I was with at the time wanted to take me out because it was her boss’s birthday and they were going out after work. I thought it sounded fun and it was.

We ended up getting off the motorbike taxi beside what looked to be a furniture store on 2nd road with a few Thai guys just standing outside. The teerak threw some Thai out and the guys opened up some door that appeared from nowhere. We make our way through a dark corridor or 2 then we’re in the middle of this bumping little place inside some random building. Nothing but me and Thais. We take our seat and the Mamasan shows up eventually and buys us a bottle of Thai whiskey and wants to take shots…I’m down.

Turns out there was a fashion show going on where the guys had to stand on the stage and the girls would vote. I wasn’t worried as I was sure I’d be excluded till I heard my name being called by the dj. I reluctantly joined the stage, but admit I enjoyed it and had a great time overall. Anybody else know of this place?

Pattaya (Pattaya) – Seriously…there’s so many bars from beach road to 3rd road and everywhere else in Pattaya. If you’ve never been, don’t get bogged down by which ones you think you need to see. Put on your walking shoes and go find your favorite.

Closing comments and generalizations:

What a great trip. I only stayed for 3 weeks, but had a great time as always. Didn’t run into any girl problems at all this time. Was able to see a lot of girls I had met before and some great new ones also. Met some cool board members (Paul…you still partying your ass off over there, or back in Oz?) Once again I didn’t see as much as Thailand as I would’ve liked, but there’s always next time. It’s just hard to leave Pattaya sometimes. One thing…make sure you know when the elections are going on. During my trip there were at least 4 nights the bars weren’t serving.

Enjoy the random pics.

Be careful at 4am near food carts when you’re already done it…you might get burned

Sexy lady?

Friend of mine gettin’ the business

How sweet of her to keep me company while I await the opening of Insomnia

One Response to “Pattaya Partying and Reviews – Trip 3”
  1. coolyesh

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