Category: Trip Report 5
June 29, 2009 I had already reserved a late checkout until 6pm, so I wasn’t too concerned with waking up early. I felt a bit hungover from the night before, but not too bad. I laid in bed for a long time after I woke up. Me and Joy had a few rounds during the morning/afternoon. …
June 28, 2009 I stayed awake all night because I couldn’t go back to sleep and just nerded it up on the internet. When I became tired I just layed in bed and watched a movie until waking up around 2 or 3ish. Once I was up and just layed in bed and watched tv while …
June 27, 2009 Waking up on my Amari couch in front of the tv and fully clothed I realised that I’d had a bit too much to drink. No problem, I sauntered into the bedroom to a waiting Thai girl who did her best to take away that nasty hangover. And since that didn’t quite take …